
I like movies and I can watch my favourites many times. The link of one particular scene in one of my favourites is below but be warned, there is swearing involved.

It’s from “The Paper”…… go f*#k yourself

You may ask, why raise this in my blog?  Good question.

The answer is . . . . .  my tomatoes.

Another aspect of The Paper of note is the term “Gotcha”.  It refers to the headline of the New York Sun when two innocent Afro-American boys are arrested for murder.

Stick with me now, I’m almost there.

Recently I’ve been having problems with my Tomatoes and a Blackbird that has been pecking at them, just before they’re ready to pick. This is an ongoing issue and I believe it’s one particular bird.

To rectify this, I put up some netting over my tomatoes and that Blackbird was caught in the act of pecking at them. I rushed out and he fluttered about in a panic and could not get out from under the net.

Naturally, being a long term experienced mist netter, I was able to catch the Blackbird from the netted tomatoes. See the photo below.


Tomato stealing Blackbird Jan 2016

Relax everyone. I didn’t kill Mr Tomato Stealing Blackbird, I’m vegetarian and try not to kill sentient beings but I did give him a very good talking to !!!

He has not returned to the tomatoes and I have started to harvest them without any being pecked.

Isn’t that nice  🙂


2 thoughts on “Gotcha

  1. I tried to add the comment below to your post but it won’t let me sign in. Anyways, good on you for giving the bird a gentle talking to and hopefully saving some of your tomatoes.


    That’s very nice Malc, you handled it well (to quote the link) 🙂


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